Sport Kote® PC is a top player in the wood finish market with its revolutionary polycarbonate technology that provides amazing scratch resistance, scuff resistance, durability, depth of gloss and gloss longevity.
Your wood floor prep, application and maintenance will be greatly improved with this reliable and versatile team of supporting products.
Type ............................ Water-Based Reactive
Urethane/Acrylic Blend
Form.......................................Opaque Liquid
Odor ...................................................Bland
Color ..................................................White
Weight per Gallon ............................8.51 Lbs.
pH ................................................. 7.0 - 8.0
Floor Solids........................................... 29%
Storage Stability..........Up To 1 Year, Unopened
Freeze/Thaw ..........................Passes 3 Cycles
V.O.C. ..........................................<280 gm/l
Own Brand